Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Lost, episode 2x16: The Whole Truth
"Sun wrestles with the thought of telling Jin a newfound secret that threatens to upset the entire balance of the survivors' community."

Excellent episode, with a great cliff hanger and promo for next week. Sure, it was a build-up episode, but I still liked it. I was worried I was losing interest after so many weeks of repeats, but they definitely hooked me back in. We watched it late on tape (nope, we don't have TIVO... but then again we didn't have to worry about not catching the last few minutes like some of our friends!), so I don't have time/energy to check out the fan boards too much tonight. I can't wait to read the recaps tomorrow!

Here are the links for the MSNBC and Entertainment Weekly recaps.

A couple random observations:
* love the relationship of Sun and Jin. They did a great job of making you feel the tension (him uprooting her garden, flipping out in the Dr's office) as well as the love. So did she have an affair, or is her pregnancy really another miracle of the island, much like Locke walking again?

* Sawyer reading Judy Bloom "Are you there God, it's me, Margaret". Funny.

* Interesting alliance between Ana Lucia and Sayid. Good to see Ana show remorse and apologize to Sayid. That said, Sayid is one scary man on a mission.

* What are Sayid and Charlie building when Ana Lucia first approaches them?

* the ending with Henry playing one serious mind game on Jack and Locke is excellent!

Post your comments. I'll add more later!

upcoming episodes:

Episode 2.17: Lockdown (Locke-Centric)
"When the hatch suddenly takes on a life of its own, Locke is forced to enlist the help of an unlikely ally. Meanwhile, Ana Lucia, Sayid and Charlie go off into the jungle to find out the truth about Henry. Katey Sagal guest stars. "

In the preview we see what looks like a balloon up in the trees, the speakers in the hatch blaring static/alarms, the blast doors coming down locking Locke in, Jack and Kate walking with torches and finding something, Sayid pointing a gun, Henry looking in the ventilation shaft, etc.
Canadian promo for next week

"Dave" --Episode 2.18 (Hurley-Centric)
Libby lends Hurley support when he begins to think the island is having a strange effect on him, and Locke's sense of purpose is shaken when the prisoner provides new information about the hatch.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOST – S2-E16 – “The Whole Truth” – Sun/Jin-centric


1. “A baby will change everything.” – Jin to Sun
2. “Right now, there’s a man sitting in a room in MY hatch and I want him out.” – Locke to A-L
3. “We should talk to her.” “I already did. She’s in there with him now.” – Jack & Locke
4. “Were you on the plane, too?” – Henry to A-L
5. “It’s not a drugstore, sweetheart.” – Sawyer to Sun
6. “So why don’t you have a beard?” – A-L to Henry
7. “I’m afraid that the news is not good.” – Dr. Kim to Sun and Jin
8. “Why would I try to trap the son of a fisherman?” – Sun to Jin
9. “Hey Sun, look what I found in the middle of the jungle; it's not even melted. Crazy huh? Want to split it?|” –Hurley to Sun
10. “Who travels with a pregnancy test?” – Kate to Sun
11. “Humor’s not his strong suit. And I’m saying this to you.” – Charlie to A-L
12. “You looking at my bum?” – Charlie to A-L
13. “There is something I need to tell you.” – Sun to Jin
14. “Because you deserve to know the truth.” – Sun to Jin
15. “Men reject their prophets and slay them, but they love their martyrs and honor those whom they have slain.” – Henry to Jack
16. “You guys don’t even seem that curious.” – Henty to Jack and Locke
17. “You guys have got some real trust issues, don’t you?” – Henry to Jack and Locke
18. “You guys got any milk?” – Henry to Jack and Locke

Random Thoughts (Flashback events):
1. This flashback takes place after the previous flashback that Sun and Jin had (but, of course, before the airport scenes) because they both mention the blood on his hands incident.
2. At first when I saw that Sun was sneaking around in the hotel, I was afraid that she was having an affair. Shame on me for thinking that – or was I wrong. ;-)
3. The Do Not Disturb Sign had the name of the hotel on it – Seoul Gateway Hotel.
4. Always fun to see people from previous flashbacks. And they explained away the bald guy going to America to get engaged – it just didn’t work out.
5. At the doctor’s office, I thought that Jin was going to slap Sun – he was so angry. I’m glad that he didn’t but he really has control issues to deal with.
6. After Sun tells the bald guy about what the doctor said, he was very sympathetic. And I have to wonder – did they kiss?
7. Sun was walking an older dog (it was a puppy in the previous flashback) and I wondered whatever happened to their dog?
8. Bit of a stretch that the doctor would just happen to be driving by, or was he following her for a quite conversation?
9. Did anyone else notice the weird sign that looked like a “No Trumpeting” sign? Any idea what this means?

Random Thoughts (Island events):
1. Jin completely overreacted to Sun being alone in the garden by uprooting her plants. Jin’s hair is getting long.
2. Locke mentions to A-L that Henry has been in the hatch 3 days. He then asks A-L to interrogate him because they cannot get any answers from him. Hello – I think that Sayid was doing a fine job before Jack stopped him. And here’s a thought, Locke. If you are trying to ask someone a favor, don’t throw a banana peel on the ground in front of their tent. Have some class, buddy.
3. Great to see Bernard and Rose again (rumor is that they will have a flashback episode later this season – yeah!).
4. Great scene with Jack and Locke in the bathroom (everyone notice the Dharma logo on the towel?) but they really need to start talking to, and trusting, each other more. It’s gonna be their downfall. I saw those three books on the bookshelf again this week. I mentioned these three books a couple of weeks ago (they are red, yellow and green and they stand out on the bookshelf next to the room where Henry is being kept. From now on, I will refer to them as the Stoplight books.) and they showed up again. I thought that they were in the middle of the bookshelf a couple weeks ago but last night they were nearer to the door. Also, great to see Locke looking at the Geronimo Jackson album that Hurley and Charlie looked at earlier this year.
5. What is Sayid and Charlie building? Is it going to be a roof of some kind? A new boat? Stay tuned, fellow losties. It was good to see Charlie back again. He had some really good lines this week. Loved how he pretended to give the gun to A-L and then quickly handed it to Sayid. But then I thought – isn’t Sayid or A-L gonna get suspicious on how Charlie had a gun when Sawyer was supposed to be holding all of them? Will they put two and two together and maybe figure out that Charlie was involved in Sun’s kidnapping?
6. Finally got a conversation between A-L and Sayid about Shannon. It was nice to see A-L trying to open up to Sayid and he was incredibly forgiving. When they go to the clearing, I asked myself – Jim, if there were no balloon, why would Henry draw a map so detailed that it could be followed and then have them end up in an empty area proving that there was no balloon? Well, we may soon find out.
7. Great to see Hurley (with an Apollo bar!) for a few moments. He’s got a flashback episode coming up in a couple of weeks that should shed some light on his time in the institution. The name of the pregnancy test is Widmore Labs Home Pregnancy Test. Results in 2 minutes (isn’t that a little fast?). To connect to another flashback, there was a sign for Widmore Construction in Fire + Water (Charlie's flashbacks).
8. It was sweet that Bernard was looking for a pearl for Rose. I liked how they reversed the speech on Sawyer and Bernard to show us how Jin cannot understand what they are saying. I hope that Sun starts teaching him English soon so that he can feel more like part of the family. Remember that Walt’s speech was reversed, too.
9. It was also sweet of Jin to replant the plants that he pulled up in Sun’s garden. He also apologizes to Sun and then she tells him the truth – or was it? She had a strange look on her face when she hugged Jin. Also, did anyone notice that Sun looks like she’s had a manicure recently? Very clean nails for someone who digs in the garden. I’m not saying that she couldn’t wash it all off and that she might have a manicure kit, but it stuck out a little bit.
10. Jack lets Henry out of his room (is Jack crazy!!!). Also, noticed that the Stoplight books were now leaning almost all the way over because some of the books next to them had been removed. I couldn’t catch the titles and they may mean nothing, but I notice them every time. That Dharma corporation has more products than Proctor and Gamble! Their own cereal?!?! Henry also was very evil in telling Jack and Locke his “plan” of luring the other losties into a trap in order to be traded for them.

Previews for next week (SPOILER ALERT):
1. Why did they show what looked like a balloon in the forest? That was one of the mysteries that we were going to wonder about all week. I was really disappointed that they did that – but maybe it will turn out to be something else.
2. What did Locke do to turn on the emergency lockdown process?
3. Next week will be a Locke-centric episode. I can’t wait.

Final thoughts:
1. No mention of numbers this week.
2. No Mr. Eko, no Claire, no talk of Michael or Walt.
3. Why hasn’t Jack shared with Kate what is going on inside the Hatch? But then why hasn’t Kate shared with Jack that they found another hatch entirely?

7:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did anyone else sense that there's a third act to Jack's story through flashbacks? I don't believe that he was coaxing Sun to tell the whole truth based on his experience having to tell Sarah about his kiss with that other woman. I think there is one more truth yet to come from Jack, perhaps regarding Sarah's pregnancy, which we all believed was a possibility when she left him. Could he have found out after Sarah left him that she had an abortion without telling him? He used his own experience, be what it may, to coax Sun, leading me to believe that he was reminded of whatever happened to him that we don't know about yet.

Locke asks Ana if the Devil is chasing her. This is the same question that Desmond asked Jack when he was running the stadium stairs.

Is Henry Gale "HIM?" After this episode, and seeing how intelligent Henry is, with his mindgames, I believe he is high up in the ranks of the others, maybe even "him" who Zeke speaks of. Maybe he is frustrated with his team and decides to get it done himself. Whatever the case, he is an other, but a very important one, as it now seems that he has sent three losties to a trap.

7:40 AM  
Blogger Slacker said...

Great observations, guys.

Jim -- Excellent thought about Charlie with the gun, when Sawyer is supposed to have all of them. I hadn't thought about that.

Kim -- nice point about Sarah. It's been so long I'd forgotten about that whole story line.

7:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Boards are speculating that Henry is the hatch's food delivery guy. Hence the question to Locke and Jack.."Do you know how old this is?" about the cereal and then pointed out how little they know. Probably because he DOES know, he delivers it. It seems that the balloon in the clip might well be a parachute, which lends itself to Henry as food delivery guys again. Not sure if I totally buy it yet, but it does seem to have legs.....

7:59 AM  

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