Thursday, January 26, 2006

hold that thought...

UPDATE 1/28 9:35pm: well, good news... Seth was discharged from the hospital this morning. His 3-day stint is over, and we have him back at home along with his umpteen prescriptions and a home nebulizer.

UPDATE 1/26 11:55pm: well, that sick kiddo I mentioned... well, what we thought would be a routine trip to the pediatrician this morning ended up with the 9-mo-old being admitted to the hospital. It appears to be a severe case of bronchiolitis along with bad infections in both ears and dehydration. He's currently got an oxygen tube to his nose, an IV in one foot, an oxygen monitor on the other foot, and has been receiving breathing treatments and nasal suctions every three hours, which will continue through the night. No idea yet how long he'll stay there. We'll know more tomorrow morning when the pediatrician checks in with us.

Long story short... watching Lost got lost in the chaos of today. As soon as I'm able to post a real blog on the episode, it will be great news on so many fronts! In the mean time, check out another weekly recap here. I can't wait to read all this stuff myself!


Man, I feel out of the loop today! Due to a sick kiddo we didn't watch Lost last night. We did record it and plan to watch it tonight. In the mean time, feel free to post your comments for the other junkies to read and discuss (and you lurkers out there, start posting!) I'll plan on updating this message with my observations after we watch it. Until then, you can get your fix from the episode recap at Entertainment Weekly.


Blogger The Daily Planet said...

MY HEART HURTS! I have no one else to talk to ... please hurry.

6:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOST - S2E12 - Fire + Ice - Flashbacks for Charlie


Charlie's boyhood house in England on Christmas morning. Charlie is about 8. Liam is about 12.
Picture of John the Baptist baptizing Jesus on the wall.
Charlie wearing bunny slippers (Desmond had a stuffed bunny in the Hatch)
Liam gets a Robotron for Christmas, Charlie gets a Piano
Charlie's Mom says that he (Charlie) is special and mentions Father Christmas. Another Father figure to put of the pile.
Charlie's Dad is a butcher, chops off a doll's head.

Charlie is in the hospital looking at the newborn babies.
Liam's wife, Karen, comes out and says that the baby's name is Megan.
Liam is not at the hospital and Charlie lies about where he is.
In Charlie's apartment, Charlie still has his piano.
Liam is passed out on the couch after doing heroin.
Charlie chastises Liam and tells him to go see his daughter.

Driveshaft is sitting around in bathrobes preparing for their commercial.
Commercial is for Bubbles Diapers. There are two stuffed polar bears in the crib.
Liam is high and keeps messing up the commercial shoot.
Director of commercial fires the band because Liam keeps messing up.

Charlie is writing a new song in his apartment.
Liam comes in and tells Charlie that Karen kicked him out.
Karen thinks Liam is dangerous because he dropped Megan.
Liam tells Charlie that they are broke.
Charlie says that will have money soon because he has written a new song.
Charlie says the song is about two brothers.
Charlie plays the song for Liam and Liam likes it.
Some of the lyrics are: "Falling out." "All alone." "Together now, we can be saved."

Charlie enters the apartment to find that Liam has sold everything - including the piano.
Liam tells Charlie that Karen has gone to Australia and that he could go with her and work in a rehabilitation center in Sydney.
Charlie begs Liam to stay but Liam tells Charlie that he needs to be with his family.


Charlie is playing his piano in the ocean.
Charlie has the tape back on his fingers that read F-A-T-E.
Stops and hears Aaron crying - in the piano.
Charlie thinks he sees something in the trees.
The piano drifts off into the ocean.
Charlie wakes up from nightmare.
Charlie sees Claire + Aaron talking with Locke.
Charlie approaches Claire and offers her "nappies" for Aaron. Are these diapers or clothes?
Charlie apologizes again for his behavior but Claire is not ready to trust him again.

Kate is helping Sawyer with his arm exercises. Hurley is watching them.
Hurley asks Sawyer about Libby. Kate and Sawyer can tell that Hurley likes Libby.
Libby comes out of the jungle preparing to do laundry.
Sawyer tells Hurley to go talk to her. Hurley is too shy.
Jack + Ana-Lucia come out of the jungle. Sawyer notices that this is the third time that they have come out of the jungle.
Charlie is playing guitar and hears Aaron crying. He sees Aaron's crib in the water and yells for help.
Charlie swims into the ocean and retrieves the crib. Back on shore, Charlie picks up Aaron and holds him.
Charlie sees his Mom and Claire dressed liked angels (religious robes) on the beach telling him to protect Aaron.
A flash of light appears in the sky and a white dove flies into view.
Hurley comes out of the jungle in religious robes, too.
Switch to nighttime and Charlie is on the beach holding Aaron and Hurley is asking Charlie what he is doing.
Claire is screaming for Aaron. Claire and large group come to the beach and takes Aaron from Charlie.
Claire slaps Charlie.
Hurley + Sawyer are playing cards (blackjack).
Hurley has a 2 of Hearts and a K of Clubs.
Sawyer (the dealer) has a down card and a 6 of Diamonds.
Libby goes to do laundry again.
Sawyer encourages Hurley to talk to Libby.
Charlie approaches Locke as he comes out of the Hatch.
Charlie tries to tell Locke about his sleepwalking and dreams.
Locke asks Charlie if he is using drugs. Charlie doesn't really answer him.
Locke tells Charlie to back away from Claire for a while.

Hurley is talking with Libby in the laundry room in the hatch.
There is a tanning bed behind them.
Libby tries on a purple halter top which Hurley approves of.
Libby talks about seeing Hurley on the plane.
Mr. Eko is marking trees with an X. He still has his stick and the silver cross.
Charlie asks Mr. Eko if he told Locke about the statues.
Mr. Eko asks about Charlie's dream.
Mr. Eko suggests that baptizing the baby will protect him from harm.
Charlie approaches Claire and begs her to get Aaron baptized. Locke overhears this.
Jack and Ana-Lucia are fixing a shelter for Ana-Lucia.
Ana-Lucia asks Jack if he is dating Kate. Jack says no.
Charlie is in the jungle and uncovers his collection of statues.
He crushes one of the statues with his boot and takes out two bags of heroin.

Locke has followed Charlie into the jungle and catches Charlie with the heroin.
Locke accuses Charlie of using the drugs but Charlie denies it.
Charlie throws away the two bags of heroin.
Locke takes the remaining statues with him.
Charlie begs Locke not to tell Claire about this.
Locke is filling up his water bottle when Claire and Aaron approach him.
Claire is worried about Aaron's safety and asks Locke about sleeping in the hatch.
Locke tells her that the alarm going off every hour and a half would not be good for the baby.
Locke tells Claire that he will move his tent close to her to protect Aaron.
Claire asks Locke about baptism.
Locke says that he doesn't know much about it but believes that it will help someone get to heaven.
Charlie is in the jungle at night. He breaks twigs and sets the twigs on fire.
Charlie runs away and passes Sayid who is helping someone put a metal roof on a shelter.
Sayid sees the jungle on fire and yells for everyone to help bring sand and water.
Locke tells Claire to stay with Aaron.
Sayid and Sawyer make a break for the fire while Locke goes to the beach for water.
Charlie sneaks up behind Claire and Aaron.

Charlie kidnaps Aaron while Claire is looking the other way.
Claire hears Aaron crying and screams for help.
Locke and group approach Charlie on the beach.
Charlie tells them that he has to do this. Charlie asks Mr. Eko to back him up.
Mr. Eko tells Charlie that this is not what he meant.
Locke takes Aaron from Charlie and hands Aaron to Claire.
Locke punches Charlie 3 times in the face - hard.
Everyone leaves Charlie bleeding on the beach.
Next day, Jack approaches Charlie and says that he needs stitches in his cheek.
Charlie admits to starting the fire and Jack tells Charlie to never do it again.
Mr. Eko is in the burned section of the jungle when Claire and Aaron approach him.
Claire asks Mr. Eko if he was a priest and asks about baptism.
Mr. Eko agrees to baptize Aaron and Claire.
Locke changes the combination lock on the gun vault and puts the other statues in there.
Claire and Aaron return to camp and Charlie is sitting by the fire.
Charlie pulls his hood up over his head and has a very serious look on his face.

Charlie's Mom - "Someday, you'll get us out of here. All of us."
Claire - "Just for now, give me some space."
Charlie - "Now clean yourself up. You're a sodding father now."
Sawyer - "Whoa, you got a little Love Connection brewing over there, Jabba?"
Charlie's Mom + Claire - "You have to save the baby. The baby is in danger."
Sawyer - "I'm sure you got a load to drop in. Don't you, Jethro?"
Sawyer - "Your moment is now, Hoss."
Locke - "Trust is a hard thing to win back."
Charlie - "Get it together, alright? Lest you forget, we need this."
Charlie - "I'm not ditching anyone. He's my brother."
Hurley - "Do I know you from somewhere?"
Libby - "I cannot believe that you do no remember that you stepped on my foot."
Mr. Eko - "Because these are the one that I like."
Charlie - "The bald wanker knows something."
Mr. Eko - "What are your dreams about."
Mr. Eko - "What if you DO need to save the baby?"
Ana-Lucia - "You hitting that?"
Charlie - "This island is my test."
Locke - "You've given up the right to believed, Charlie."
Locke - "Call it spiritual insurance."
Liam - "We should have been butchers."
Charlie - "What about me? What about my family? What about my family?"
Mr. Eko - "It is said that when John the Baptist baptized Jesus, the skies opened up and a dove flew down from the sky."
Mr. Eko - "Not if I baptize you both."

Green is the important color in this episode.
- The jungle is green
- Charlie is green with envy or jealousy (for Locke's friendship with Claire)
- Charlie tells Liam that he looks green (because he is high and sick)
- There is a green screen behind the commercial shoot.
If Hurley stepped on Libby's foot when he was getting on the plane, how did she end up in the Tail section?
Now we know how Charlie's brother ended up in Australia and why Charlie had to go there.
Charlie is trying so hard to save his family but he always end up alone.
Why did Locke keep the statues?
Where did all the blue tarps come from? Were there that many on the plane?

8:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Locke is keeping Claire out of hatch for some strange reason and can't help but wonder what her reaction will be when/if she ever sees the mural since it has been determined that the artwork in the mural is so similar to Aaron's fathers artwork. Is this why Locke is keeping her out of hatch?

Locke, Eko and Jack are like three corners of a belief triangle. Eko is the spiritual one with Christian leanings. Locke is the philosophical one but without the Christian slant and Jack represents the voice of science. It will be interesting to watch these three as each has a different perspective on life.

Also Eko mentions here that when John the Baptist baptized Jesus that it took away his sin. Actually a Catholic believes that Jesus was born sinless. But Eko may not be a real official priest. He most likely just took over his brother's life.

Libby made an interesting observation that the washer and dryer looked newer than the rest of the stuff in the hatch. Hurley said he didn't care or notice that all he knew is they got clothes clean. Many viewers had commented on the new style washer and dryer on numerous boards. Made me think that the writers are reading the comments and poking fun at some of their blanks or bloopers. Or at least letting the viewer know that they are listening.

11:30 AM  
Blogger The Daily Planet said...

My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family as you get your child well.

8:22 AM  
Blogger Slacker said...

Ok, since I haven't had time to write my own thoughts, here's a email chain from coworkers this week (I'm finally able to read it now that I saw the episode):


Ok gang - I'll kick it off today. Jonathan, I don't know the title of
the episode, though. :)

My two cents. Once again Hollywood shows their lack of knowledge of
Christian theology. No big shocker there. Just again, disappointment.

And, basically I thought last night's episode was just very disturbing.
Kind of freaked me out.

And what's up with Locke? He is definitely freaking me out!

Lost lunch today or Lost break? What time?


Title: Fire + Water

Yeah, the John the Baptist thing was disappointing. Don't know much
about Catholicism though, so I don't know how far off the rest was from
what a Catholic priest would believe (wouldn't surprise me though, since
Eko wasn't actually educated as one).

I liked last night's episode. The flashbacks were actually relevant.
Also, Locke is finally losing his self-delusion of control.

On an unrelated note, the Lost numbers turned up in a fortune cookie on
last night's episode of Veronica Mars (airs on UPN in the same timeslot,
the producer is a fan of Lost).


Did you notice that when Libby and Hurley were doing laundry, she made a
comment about how up-to-date the washing machine is in comparison to the
rest of the stuff in the hatch. So, this confirms an earlier
observation that one of ya'll had when we discussed the first episode of
this season.

That was really the only "clue" in this episode that I can think of.
Unless Charlie's mom ends up being a character that was seen somewhere
else. Oh, also, Hurley asked Libby if he had seen her before. She blew
it off and said that it was when he stepped on her foot on the way into
the airplane. But I question this. If Libby is a "tailie", how did
Hurley step on her foot. I thought he was in the front of the plane
when it went down... Regardless, I think we all know where this is
going with her being a clinical psychologist and he a mental patient.

Is the actor that plays Sayid having a contract dispute or what? He's
been MIA since Shannon got killed.


Yeah, my wife last night said she doesn't think she was on the plane.


I saw Libby's comment as a tongue-in-cheek message from the producers
to the fans who were bothered by the washing machine. Hurley didn't
care, and she said "Finally, someone who keeps it simple." ;) Good point
about Libby being in the tail section.

Sayid organized the fire crew last night, and he's been in a couple
other scenes. They just can't fit everybody in all the time. The
original cast members' pay just got tripled for next season, so I
imagine any disputes are over.


Why do you think Locke kept the rest of the heroin instead of destroying


I don't know. I think that maybe whoever said last week about them making good guys into bad ones may just be right.

Also, from the only female perspective in this bunch, may I just say I am off the Libby/Hurley bandwagon. Shame on her! What a little tart - changing outfits with him in the room to get his attention. He needs to go find a nice girl (if there are any on the island). Maybe Jack is right. All women are crazy. (present company excluded, of course) :)

7:22 PM  

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