Lost season 4 finale...
... was awesome. Yes, I know I've been noticably AWOL in my posts this year, but who really has as much free time as they used to? Anyhow, I can't wait to make some time to read up on the episode and discuss everything with all of you who watch it. This show really is amazing in how it keeps on cranking out great story lines. I love the way it picked up where last season's finale left off (drunk Jack and Kate in the show's first flash-forward). I wonder where the show will go from here? I guess we've got 4 or 5 months to think about that. In the mean time, here are some random thoughts and discussion points...
* the disappearing island. So where'd it go? We now have confirmation from the video that the Orchid has power to move time and space, though there's got to be something missing about the fact the VCR just happened to malfunction before Locke could see all the info
* Ben's comment about "whoever moves the island can't come back" as he's bundling up in the parka we saw earlier this season as he popped up in the Tunsian desert.
* Lock telling Jack to lie to protect the island and those there. Jack following through.
* Michael seeing Christian immediately before the explosion "You can go now". Go where? Finally die, or back to the island, or home?
* What's Jin's fate? We see the ship blow up from the middle but it looked like the deck was initially intact. Did he jump off in time? If so, then what?
* What about Daniel Faraday and the people in the raft headed to the boat? Half way between a disappearing island and a blowing-up freightor. Or did they get absorbed by the island disappearance just as the 2nd island (and presumably the hydra station) did? Or are they out there to rescue Jin?
* What does Miles know about Charlotte coming "back to the island""? Why do they choose to stay? Was Charlotte born there?
* Sayid and Keamy's fight, and Keamy's body armor recovery to the Orchid and his heartbeat-monitoring transmitter (this I had a problem with -- how the heck did it have a strong enough signal to broadcast way back to the ship from that far underground?)
* Ben killing Keamy with no remorse for those on the ship
* Sawyer jumping out of the helicopter and whispering to and kissing Kate
* Penny rescuing the helicopter crew
* Sun contacting Charles Whitmore for what appears to be an alliance to get back to the island
* Claire appearing in Kate's dream saying DON'T go back
* Sayid continuing to off people
* Hurley and not-so-little Walt
* Sayid and Hurley
* Hurley playing chess with "Mr. Eko"
* Ben telling Jack ALL of them have to go back
* Many of the off-island characters saying "Jeremy Bentham" had come to visit them, and that things on the island have been bad in the ensuing three years since the Oceanic 6 got off. Jack says "He told me that after I left the island, some very bad things happened"
* Jeremy in the coffin being... Locke!
* How exactly does Ben get off the island? Is it during the relocation? How does Locke eventually get off?
Lots of interesting and conflicting story lines going on here. Ben telling Jack all of them have to go back, yet Claire telling Kate NOT to take Aaron back. Lots of people taking various sides. Sun potentially teaming up with Charles while we see Jack rejoining Ben. Sayid still teaming with Ben, and now Hurley joining Sayid. And of course we still have Charles vs. Ben, which means Sayid vs. Desmond? Ouch, my brain hurts again!
I have no idea where it is going, but I do know I need to get to sleep! Two seasons -- 34 episodes -- left to go!
* the disappearing island. So where'd it go? We now have confirmation from the video that the Orchid has power to move time and space, though there's got to be something missing about the fact the VCR just happened to malfunction before Locke could see all the info
* Ben's comment about "whoever moves the island can't come back" as he's bundling up in the parka we saw earlier this season as he popped up in the Tunsian desert.
* Lock telling Jack to lie to protect the island and those there. Jack following through.
* Michael seeing Christian immediately before the explosion "You can go now". Go where? Finally die, or back to the island, or home?
* What's Jin's fate? We see the ship blow up from the middle but it looked like the deck was initially intact. Did he jump off in time? If so, then what?
* What about Daniel Faraday and the people in the raft headed to the boat? Half way between a disappearing island and a blowing-up freightor. Or did they get absorbed by the island disappearance just as the 2nd island (and presumably the hydra station) did? Or are they out there to rescue Jin?
* What does Miles know about Charlotte coming "back to the island""? Why do they choose to stay? Was Charlotte born there?
* Sayid and Keamy's fight, and Keamy's body armor recovery to the Orchid and his heartbeat-monitoring transmitter (this I had a problem with -- how the heck did it have a strong enough signal to broadcast way back to the ship from that far underground?)
* Ben killing Keamy with no remorse for those on the ship
* Sawyer jumping out of the helicopter and whispering to and kissing Kate
* Penny rescuing the helicopter crew
* Sun contacting Charles Whitmore for what appears to be an alliance to get back to the island
* Claire appearing in Kate's dream saying DON'T go back
* Sayid continuing to off people
* Hurley and not-so-little Walt
* Sayid and Hurley
* Hurley playing chess with "Mr. Eko"
* Ben telling Jack ALL of them have to go back
* Many of the off-island characters saying "Jeremy Bentham" had come to visit them, and that things on the island have been bad in the ensuing three years since the Oceanic 6 got off. Jack says "He told me that after I left the island, some very bad things happened"
* Jeremy in the coffin being... Locke!
* How exactly does Ben get off the island? Is it during the relocation? How does Locke eventually get off?
Lots of interesting and conflicting story lines going on here. Ben telling Jack all of them have to go back, yet Claire telling Kate NOT to take Aaron back. Lots of people taking various sides. Sun potentially teaming up with Charles while we see Jack rejoining Ben. Sayid still teaming with Ben, and now Hurley joining Sayid. And of course we still have Charles vs. Ben, which means Sayid vs. Desmond? Ouch, my brain hurts again!
I have no idea where it is going, but I do know I need to get to sleep! Two seasons -- 34 episodes -- left to go!
Labels: tv lost
lots of good screen caps and video clips at Lost Easter Eggs. Be sure to listen to the reversed audio from that phone message Kate heard in her dream -- "the island needs you, you have to go back before its too late"
Here are some recaps to read through...
USA Today recap
Boston Globe recap
MSNBC recap
and Entertainment Weekly has finally posted theirs...
i'm a blog reader of kristen's and i always check after lost to see if you've updated...thanks for
*finally* updating! :)
i hadn't even thought about the daniel faraday situation...geez, no boat, no island--i'd say they're in a pickle!
looking forward to season 5!
also, according to Good Morning America this morning, Lost shot 3 different endings in case the one that was shown last night was leaked. the other two people in the coffin were Sawyer and Desmond. i think this is interesting because the show would obviously (i think) go in different directions depending on who was in the coffin.
Here's a couple fun food-for-thought topics I've borrowed from some of the message boards...
"I'm sorry I made your life so miserable." Those words come from Ben right before he leaves Locke to "move" the island.
From the sound of it (and from Ben's far-off look when he says it), I don't think he is simply referring to Locke's time on the island.
Think about it - Ben had been trying for a long time to try to prevent Locke from taking over as the island's leader (i.e. his embarrassment in front of the Others; attempted assassination, etc.).
But if you look at Locke's life as a whole, there have been many times where his life has been endangered (mostly, at the hands of his father). But he was also almost killed as an unborn child.
If Ben had access to time travel in the Orchid, is it possible that he continually went back in time throughout Locke's life and attempted to prevent him from coming to the island? Could Locke's father been an "employee" of Ben's (with Ben bringing his former employee back to the island to again throw Locke off-course)?
And then, once it became clear that the Island wouldn't let Ben prevent Locke from achieving his destiny - Ben finally gave in and "passed the baton" to Locke in the Orchid...
If the Orchid station helps control powers to move "space and time", that could explain several of the strange artifacts now found on the island.
First example... the Black Rock slave ship. It could have just been cruising in the 1800's in Indian Ocean (where it was sailing at the time as referenced in "The Constant") along when Poof! An island appeared underneath it.
Next (or before), the island moves again and pops up in the Atlantic Ocean near the western coast of Africa and causes Mr. Eko's brother's drug-smuggling airplane to crash. After all, they'd likely have been flying low to avoid radar.
Then the island was moved again to the south Pacific to where our Oceanic crew crash landed.
Of course, the big question is WHO has moved the island each time. Perhaps it's not all be Dharma people, as evidenced by the hieroglyphics and 4-Toe statues in the ice room, etc.
I also wonder if the moving of the island isn't equal to the "Incident" that is referenced on the Blast Door Map and in the Swan video?
However I do think the Island has been inhabited for thousands of years. If you look very carefully a few Episodes back when Ben uses some hidden device in a secret room within his old room to call upon the Smoke Monster, the same Hieroglyphs were on the stone door he moved that were on the mini obelisk in the arctic room he was in during the finale.
Hence again proven by the partial statue that only had 4 toes...and ancient (or future) race of people used to exist on this Island.
Now considering the Islands ability to move to a different space/time, the room that Ben crawled into ALSO existed in a different space/time. The tunnel he crawled through is a single link between the island and a different space/time.
So the room he walked into was located in the arctic, hence the Polar Bears. It is also mentioned that whomever "moves" the Island can never return. Theres a reason for this.
Think of the room he was in as a giant dial. You turn that dial and the room moves to a different place and time as does the island. Think of a single small cog wheel connected to a larger one. When the small cog turns the larger ones turns also, but the the distance between the starting points vastly changes.
So when Ben walks back up the broken ladder and out of the hole, that hole is connected to a different place and time...for instance a desert in the middle of Tunisia.
It's almost as if that single room is the portal itself which connects to specific coordinates in space/time and it shifts every time someone turns it.
Lots of questions, very few answers. Isn't that wy we both love and get frustrated with LOST? ;-)
Here are some random thoughts:
- Walt has grown a LOT since last year's season ending (remember he told Locke to get out of the hole). I still wonder why no one ever figured out who Walt as, or that he was on Oceanic 815. I wonder if we will get a storyline for him.
- In the beginning when Jack is asking Kate to go back to the island with him, Kate said that she has been trying to forget all about the island for THREE years. Now, we have a time reference. It also explains Walt being older.
- Nice to see Ben's exit connect with his appearance in Tunisia. Question - what was the date when he appeared in Tunisia? Was it several months later - when he met up with Sayid after the funeral? Or was Ben around for awhile before he met up with Sayid?
- Good guy Sawyer sacrificing himself for Kate and the rest. Could there be a love story brewing between Sawyer and Juliet?
- Was that the last we saw of Kevin Johnson? His return to the show only covered a few episodes this year.
- Kevin - I agree with you when you questioned the strength of the heartbeat signal back to the ship. But I had a bigger problem with the ENTIRE ISLAND DISAPPEARING!!! That really was a leap of faith. ;-)
- Since Locke is in the coffin, did Locke find Ben's "behind the bookcase" room to get back to civilization, or did Locke move the island - thus being sent from the island?
- When Ben says that they ALL have to go back (including Locke), does that also mean Desmond and Lepidus (helicoptor pilot)?
- What happened with Vincent?
- I saw where Abbadon (the guy who visited Hurley in the institution and who was an orderly with Locke) will be on another show in the Fall (Fringe?). Will his character come back halfway through the season, like Richard's did last year?
- Kevin - you said that it will be a tough 4 or 5 months until the season starts again. Don't you mean 8 or 9 months? I thought that they were going to start Season 5 in Jan or Feb next year.
Take care, everyone. We'll chat later.
A few things to add:
1. There's no way the Oceanic settlement gave Sun enough to buy a controlling interest in her father's company. I had assumed she'd aligned with Whidmore to get back at her dad, but last night blew a hole in that. Unless she's aligned with Ben (who of course wants to go back) and is double crossing Whidmore due to Ben's promises to get back to the island.
2. How did they get by for more than a day both on the raft before the rescue and then again for 8/9 hours getting back on the raft without feeding Aaron? He's still young enough the only way to feed him would be to nurse him. With Claire gone, how was the baby surviving?
3. I think Miles has been to the island before too. The Oceanic 6 have all been visited by/talked with presumed "dead" people since they've returned. Miles has the same ability. Was it picked up during to an earlier trip to the island?
4. According to the principles of quantum physics(Lost has always borrowed from this idea - wormholes and such) it is possible for a particle to inhabit numerous areas of space at one time - the same thing can exisit in similar yet different realities. With that in mind, it is possible that a version of Jack can be living both on and off the island simultaneously. Then factor in Dharma's time shifter and you could be living both places, but in different times. That might explain why babies can never be brought to term. You can't be pregnant in one reality without the other course correcting. Wow that just made my brain hurt!
Kim O
Oh and one more thing, the Desmond and Penny reunion was the first time a TV show has made me cry in a long time. I jumped up and down when I saw the boat because I KNEW it was going to be Penny!
Kim O
I keep remembering things after I click send. There's something I don't get about the time shift between the island and the freighter - the doctor washed up before he was killed, and the projectile reached Faraday after he expected it. But when Keamey's heart stopped, there was an immediate response on the freighter. Also, Juliet saw the freighter explode at the same time Sawyer swam up. How is that possible?
Kim O
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