Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Lost finale!

Man, I just got done watching the Lost season finale. Now, Heroes was fun... but Lost... and all I can say is "WOW!" THAT was everything you want in a season-ending cliff-hanger. Talk about an awesome twist that it wasn't Jack flashbacks, but flashFORWARDS! I didn't see that coming. The main thing that threw me off was he referenced his dad several times, whom we think is dead. Has that now changed? Hmmm...

Random thoughts before I got to bed far too late for my 5am alarm clock...

* so long Charlie. I never loved his character, but his end played out very cool and you couldn't help but feel sorry for him
* Mikhail is straight out of a Friday the 13th movie. The guy just wouldn't die...
* Mikhail to the girls in the undersea station: "I thought you two were on a mission in canada"
* Penny! And "Not Penny's Boat"...
* Interesting explanation from Ben about why he tortured Karl -- didn't want Alex to get pregnant. Guess that makes sense, since she'd die...
* So what's the "temple" Ben referred to?
* Jack and Locke both in near suicidal moments
* WAAAAAAALT!!! How cool was that?! And wasn't that a biblical-feeling moment when Locke told him he couldn't move his legs and Walt replied "yes, you can... now get up and move... you have work to do"?
* Hurley and the magic bus! Way to go, big man!
* Alex and Danielle meet at last. First words: "Wanna help me tie him up?"
* Haven't you missed Bernard (and Rose)? Very cool seeing the empathy he had toward Jin when they were about to shoot him
* Who actually thought any of the trio were really dead? Bernard, maybe... but Sayid or Jin... ya right...
* Sayid with the leg-induced neck break. Wow!
* Sawyer shooting Tom: "this is for taking the boy". I was kinda hoping they'd keep him alive...
* Locke's knife-toss into Naomi. D'oh!
* So who was in the coffin? Ben? Locke? Juliette? Sawyer?
* Who was it future-Kate was referring to that she needed to go back to? Sawyer? A baby (assuming she was pregnant)? Is she still a fugutive?

I'm sure there are tons more things I'll think of later, but that was an amazingly quick 2-hour finale. Suspense, action... excellent. Can't wait for next season...



Blogger Slacker said...

MSN's recap
MSNBC's recap
Entertainment Weekly recap

7:30 AM  
Blogger Slacker said...

E! Online - Watch with Kristin

8:19 PM  
Blogger Ashley said...

It was so good! I think Sawyer was in the coffin. I don't know, why, I just do.

I was shocked by the flashforward. This show keeps you guessing. So do you think they left some people on the island and never went back for them? Why does Jack want to go back so badly?

I loved the EW article...three pages!

5:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gotta agree that this was a fantastic episode. Did not expect the flash-forward angle at all.

Who is in the casket?
I want to say Ben, but I don't know. When asked if Jack was friend of family, Jack said neither. When Jack asked Kate why she wasn't there, Kate said why would I be? So, it's someone that Kate does not like and it can't be someone like Locke or Sawyer (who may now be with Kate) because there would be other people there. But if it was an islander (other or lostie), wouldn't there be some reporters? But Kevin asked the main question - is Jack's dad still alive?

I was surprised at Hurley coming out of the jungle in the van. I was thinking that Locke would show up with a couple of guns. I'm also glad that Sayid, Bernard and Jin survived. I was on the edge of my seat through two commercial breaks. Also, I was glad that it was Jin who missed his shot. If it would have been Bernard, then it could have been written off as an old man who can't hold a gun steady. Blah, blah, blah.

Still, there are tons of questions to answer come February:
1. Will Claire find Charlie's ring in Aaron's crib?
2. Will Desmond start having visions of someone else dying?
3. Will Naomi survive?
4. How soon will the boat arrive?
5. Does the boat belong to Dharma?
6. What hatch will be featured in Season 4?
7. Will Ben escape and rejoin the Others at the temple?
8. Does the temple have anything to do with the four-toed statue from Season 2's season-ender?
9. Will Paulo and Nikki ever return or are they truly dead?
10. Will we see more of Walt, and Michael?
11. Will Rose, Locke and Danielle leave the island or stay behind like they have said before?
And finally,
12. Will they explain why Jack has grey stubble on the island but a black beard in the future? ;-)

Take care, everyone, we'll chat again in February.


9:51 AM  

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