Sunday, February 04, 2007

Lost Is Back! (And So, So Good Again)

Here's a great article from E! Online to get you ready for this week's Lost "premier" (hey, we've been off for months...)
Lost Is Back! (And So, So Good Again)

The article is well worth the read, if for no other reason than these two snippits:

"Most important, for you who have perhaps lost a wee bit of your faith in Lost after the first six episodes (tsk-tsk), I truly believe this episode will make you believe again and bring you back to the show's glory days. Honest."

"Bottom Line If you don't watch Lost this Wednesday, you are a stone-cold fool. Yeah, you heard me."

Sounds like Lost is ready to regain it's "Don't Miss" status!



Blogger Slacker said...

another good preview/recap article here.

10:11 AM  

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