Thursday, January 26, 2006

hold that thought...

UPDATE 1/28 9:35pm: well, good news... Seth was discharged from the hospital this morning. His 3-day stint is over, and we have him back at home along with his umpteen prescriptions and a home nebulizer.

UPDATE 1/26 11:55pm: well, that sick kiddo I mentioned... well, what we thought would be a routine trip to the pediatrician this morning ended up with the 9-mo-old being admitted to the hospital. It appears to be a severe case of bronchiolitis along with bad infections in both ears and dehydration. He's currently got an oxygen tube to his nose, an IV in one foot, an oxygen monitor on the other foot, and has been receiving breathing treatments and nasal suctions every three hours, which will continue through the night. No idea yet how long he'll stay there. We'll know more tomorrow morning when the pediatrician checks in with us.

Long story short... watching Lost got lost in the chaos of today. As soon as I'm able to post a real blog on the episode, it will be great news on so many fronts! In the mean time, check out another weekly recap here. I can't wait to read all this stuff myself!


Man, I feel out of the loop today! Due to a sick kiddo we didn't watch Lost last night. We did record it and plan to watch it tonight. In the mean time, feel free to post your comments for the other junkies to read and discuss (and you lurkers out there, start posting!) I'll plan on updating this message with my observations after we watch it. Until then, you can get your fix from the episode recap at Entertainment Weekly.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

cool pics

Monday, January 23, 2006

Theories about the black mist/fog/monster

Stumbled across this article. Good stuff on Lost theories on Entertainment Weekly.

As always, they always have good weekly recaps of the episodes on their site. I set up a permanent link on my favorites list on the right. Same with this site.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Lost, episode 2.11: The Hunting Party

Good episode, though I didn't like it as much as last week's Eko episode (probably because he's my new favorite character). Jack's character, while central to everything, is growing to be amongst my least favorite. I like Jack backstories, and trying to figure out why he is so stubborn and bossy. And I LOVE the suspense/scary type of episodes like this one was. Stuff that deals with the island's mysteries and "the Others". It took a while to develop, but it was worth it.

Random thoughts from tonight's episode:

Jack's dad being one-upped by Jack when foreigners Gabriel and her dad tells them they didn't come all this way for him (Jack's dad), but for Jack. No doubt this fed Jack's ego and thinking he can do anything.

The date on the foreign guy's XRays: November 16, 2005, just a few months ago. That punches a big hole in the timeline many try to keep (as in Jack still has to get divorced, rat out his dad, go to Australia, spend 50 days on the island, etc). Is that a case of people like us overanalyzing a simple oversight on the producers' part, or does it mean the island portion of the show is actually is taking place in the future, not present day like most assume?

Michael going crazy, knocking out Locke and forcing Jack into the gun closet. How's this for wild:
Jack: You gonna shoot me?
Mike: No, but I'll shoot the computer!

Pretty wild considering Michael was using the computer to "talk" to "Walt".

Say hello again to "the numbers". Locke set the combo on the gun closet to include 25, 29, 40.

Jack and his wife Sarah obviously not having a great relationship. Jack working all the time. Sarah telling him she was late, but the test showed negative. Jack wanting to talk about it, her not.

So the south end of the island is where the main camp is, North is a new area of the island, and East is where the tailees were.

Sawyer nickname of the week: Mr. Clean, in reference to Locke. "All you need is an earring and a mop". Also referred to Jack as "Daniel Boone" while he was obsessedly pressing on through the jungle.

Locke asking Sawyer why he "chose" that name (Sawyer). He goes on to confront him about the flight manifest and how it had him listed as JAMES FORD. Interesting that he chose NOW to confront him, seeing how he's obviously known that info for a long time.

Seven shots fired, but only 3 of Michael's shells found? Jack running wildly TOWARD the shots. For such an analytical guy, he sure has a death wish.

Interesting that Jack's dad (Christian) told him to be careful, obviously in reference to Gabriel temptation. Then Jack basically saying he's one to talk and then Christian replying that "it's okay for some people, but not for you".

Jack failing to save the foreign guy. Really beats himself up over it.

Gabriel and Jack kissing. Saw that coming. Actually, I thought they'd have a full-out affair (actually, maybe they did, we don't know for sure). Jack telling Sarah that Gabriel kissed him, and then trying to smooth over the relationship, promising a new start, working less, etc. Sarah then announcing she's leaving him, that her mom had come over to help her pack. Then the bombshell that she'd been having an affair. Wonder if we ever see WHO that is, and if there's an island connection?

The "Bearded Man". Same guy from the finale last season that took Walt. Wow, he creeps me out. Looks like a bad Burt Reynolds to me. Anyhow, he knows way too much, starting with everyone's names. That Walt is ok, "He's a veeerrry special boy." That Michael won't find us. Talks about people going through doors they shouldn't, etc. “This is Our island your only here because we’ve allowed you to live here." Jack calls a bluff on him, talking about the spy Ethan. Then we see Bearded man get tough and tons of torches light up all around them (I count at least 14). There's lots of "them". Sawyer getting shot. Again.

Funny Hurley/Charlie dialogue about women while looking through albums (we see "Geronimo Jackson"?) in the hatch. We confirm that Hurley does in fact have the hots for Libby. I still find that amusing/intriguing since he was in a mental institution and she is a clinical psychologist. Charlie wondering if Claire misses him yet ("dude, it's been like one day"). Sayid coming in and talking about the music being depressing. Wonder if he's going in the jungle after everyone, too?

We know at least one of the Other's names... Alex. The Bearded Man said "Bring her here, Alex" when telling them to bring out Kate. Could this be Danielle's (French woman) child Alex? That's a WW2-era looking pistol the Bearded Man holds to Kate's head, too.

Speaking of Kate, nice tension between her and Jack. Jack bossing her around telling her not to follow. Kate disobeying and then getting caught and jeopardizing everyone. Jack throwing the zinger at Sawyer about "I know, you love her". Kate running to Sawyer, not Jack. Jack giving her the cold shoulder, her being upset by it.

The Others just gained a nice little arsenal for their collection.

Why did Sawyer call the "bearded man" leader of the Others "Zeke"? As in "You and me, we're not through, Zeke". Was it yet another Sawyer nickname (perhaps for a hillbilly type of name?), or did he actually know him?

Sun telling Jin not to go after Michael, and Jin obeyed. Nice conversation between them later, too, on not liking being told what to do. Sun saying she's done felt that way the past four years. Plug that into the timeline.

Charlie again showing jealousy over Locke's friendship with Claire.

Interesting to see Vincent (dog) with Ana-Lucia. Talk about irony, since she killed Shannon.

Jack has a ton of pent up aggression.... asking Ana-Lucia how long it will take to train an army? Planning on taking on the Others, I take it?

Synopsis of the preview for next week (episode 2x12: Fire + Water):
-Hurley asking Libby if he's knows her from somewhere. (did she work at the institution Hurley was in?)
-Charlie busting open a statue and putting a finger in the heroin
-Locke asking Charlie if he's using again.
-Charlie standing on the beach with Aaron in his arms, Hurley asking him why, Charlie doesn't know, Claire slaps Charlie.
-We see somebody lift Aaron out of the basket.
-Aaron in the basket is floating away in the ocean, Charlie disrobes and jumps in to get him summary:
Locke suspects that Charlie's back on drugs when Charlie's surreal dreams lead him to believe Claire's baby, Aaron, is in danger. Meanwhile, Hurley's attracted to Libby, and Sawyer encourages him to act on it.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

confronting the Lost monster

A friend sent me these pictures, and Eko's encounter with the Lost monster just took on a much bigger meaning. I knew I saw SOMETHING in that misty fog, but until you see frame-by-frame screen shots, you don't realize WHAT. Click each image to see a larger size.

*UPDATE* you can also see different version of the pictures (and there are a couple new ones) here.

Looks like the chapel in Nigeria:

Looks like his brother's face as a boy on the left:

Looks like a knife to the right of Mr.Eko's face, and a man's profile on the left:

Something in this one, but not sure what it is...

To the left of Eko's face it looks perhaps like his brother's face?

Something to the right of Eko's face. Looks like the gun from the flash back?

Another one I'm unsure what is in this image?

I think there's something to the right of Eko's head in this one?

Virgin Mary statue?

Gold toothed guy(Eko's partner), can barely see him to the left

Eko holding his brother after getting shot?

Not sure about this one, something orangish to the left of Mr.Eko, almost looks like the cross with Jesus on it from his brothers chapel?

Lost, Episode 2.10: The 23rd Psalm

Welcome back, Lost! Although not a "holy cow!", end with a shocker kinda episode, this one was enjoyable.

As always, Entertainment Weekly has a good recap, but here are a few of my random observations/discussion points:

* Mr. Eko's back story was very interesting. Now we know why he's such a tough cookie. Very interesting to see how he sacrificed his future to save his brother as a child, and Charlie's comments how it was his brother's fault he got hooked on drugs
* we see Eko's staff up close and see it's covered in scripture; I love Charlie's comment about "what, you gonna beat me with your Bible stick?"
* Eko's fearless encounter with the monster; you can't help but compare this to Locke's first encounter in season one where he stared it down. Difference was Locke was in awe , whereas I didn't see that in Eko.

* wild stuff about the plane containing his brother and fellow drug-runner. Many had speculated Eko would be connected to that plane, but it was cool to see it tie together. I'm still not clear on the timeline on how old Eko was when the plane left vs. how long its been on the island.
* Charlie and Eko both reciting the 23rd Psalm together; both were altar boys if you'll recall
* Eko referring to the first body as "the man that saved my life"; in the flashback we see it more as a double-cross with the guy pushing him out of the plane.
* Kate giving Sawyer a haircut
* Locke teaching Michael to shoot a rifle
* Jin and Sun welcoming Ana-Lucia
* Michael continuing his online chats with Walt (or someone they want us to think is him); the screen blanking out when Jack entered the room
* Claire cutting ties with Charlie; we then see Charlie run off to a big stash of statues at the end

The preview for next week looks good, too, with Michael knocking out Locke and holding a gun on Jack as he prepares to make a break to go find Walt. Then the scene with Jack & Co. going to find Michael and hitting a clearing at night when suddenly all sorts of torches light up around them and you hear a voice saying "this is our island".

Here's the official summary per
Episode 2.11: The Hunting Party
Jack, Locke and Sawyer pursue Michael into the jungle as he searches for Walt. Will he find the Others instead? Meanwhile, Sun reacts surprisingly to Jin's desire to join the search party; Hurley and Charlie commiserate about "what women want"; and the backstory involves Jack.

Comment away!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

What a great day to be a Longhorn!