Episode 2.09: What Kate Did
Wow, what a good episode. They really needed a great cliff-hanger, seeing how it'll be 6 WEEKS until the next episode!!! I do believe they succeeded! Can't wait to read the recaps and such on this one. I tried hitting my favorite message board (lost-forum.com, see link on the right panel), but it is down... which tells me it is flooded with traffic right now!
FYI, the next episode is titled "The 23rd Psalm" with a January 18th airdate. It will be Eko-centric. Per TV Guide, it "will shed more light on why the character took a 40-day vow of silence on the island. And producers promise more info on that stick. 'It has its own flashback,' [Damon] Lindelof quips." Based on the preview, looks like a lot will happen when the show finally returns in mid-January... but we'll save that for another blog.
As for this episode, here are some quick observations for further discussion. I'll try to hit the boards again later, but definitely post you own comments and cut-and-paste anything you guys come across....
Kate blowing up her step-dad's house (and him)... who we later find out was her dad
Kate's mom turning her in
Kate and the black horse -- in the jungle (twice), and in the marshall's car
Sawyer telling Jack he loves Kate
Sawyer seemingly getting possessed by Kate's dead father (Wayne) and attacking her, asking why she killed him
Kate kissing Jack
Michael discovering the blast doors in the ceiling of the hatch
Eko and Locke with the missing piece of the film (and I really liked Eko's explanation of where the film came from); as for the film itself, "do not try to use the computer for communication or it could cause another incident"?
Jack talking to Ana Lucia
Michael talking on the computer to Walt?? (how's that for a cliff-hanger?!)
FYI, the next episode is titled "The 23rd Psalm" with a January 18th airdate. It will be Eko-centric. Per TV Guide, it "will shed more light on why the character took a 40-day vow of silence on the island. And producers promise more info on that stick. 'It has its own flashback,' [Damon] Lindelof quips." Based on the preview, looks like a lot will happen when the show finally returns in mid-January... but we'll save that for another blog.
As for this episode, here are some quick observations for further discussion. I'll try to hit the boards again later, but definitely post you own comments and cut-and-paste anything you guys come across....
Kate blowing up her step-dad's house (and him)... who we later find out was her dad
Kate's mom turning her in
Kate and the black horse -- in the jungle (twice), and in the marshall's car
Sawyer telling Jack he loves Kate
Sawyer seemingly getting possessed by Kate's dead father (Wayne) and attacking her, asking why she killed him
Kate kissing Jack
Michael discovering the blast doors in the ceiling of the hatch
Eko and Locke with the missing piece of the film (and I really liked Eko's explanation of where the film came from); as for the film itself, "do not try to use the computer for communication or it could cause another incident"?
Jack talking to Ana Lucia
Michael talking on the computer to Walt?? (how's that for a cliff-hanger?!)