Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Heroes, episode 1.07 - Nothing To Hide

Fun episode --- except for the last minute or two that we missed due to our tivo only recording the hour time-slot! Grrr! What is up with all the extended shows on tv these days pushing extra minutes past the end of the hour???

Anyhow, I enjoyed this one. As expected, we got to see that Micah does indeed have powers. Should have seen that coming when Niki talked about him being an electronics wiz. This also answered our question of whether Niki was still alive. Same for her alter-ego Jessica.

We were introduced to another new "hero" alleged as the infamous Sylar, though I don't think that's the case. I do wonder, however, if that guy could be the source of the explosion Hiro saw in the future. Everyone notice the tattoos, how they go from two small lines when the person isn't using their power to the longer "S" pattern when they are using it?

I still don't know the FBI lady's role in all this. There's more to her we don't know yet. What is her obsession with Sylar? Why hasn't she told anyone about Matt's mind-reading power? It should be fun watching Matt take the FBI test as an interview, though.

What else?

Episode 1.08 - Seven Minutes To Midnight [Airing November 13]
Suresh questions his future when dreams of the past trouble him; Hiro and Ando meet someone interesting in a diner; Peter asks Nathan to help him find a key to the future.

Episode 1.09 - Homecoming [Airing November 20]

Episode 1.10 - Six Months Ago [Airing November 27]


Blogger Ashley said...

It was a good episode, but not my favorite. I am really enjoying watching it all come together. I loved it when Micah and his dad stop at the accident and Hiro and Ando are there too. You can slowly see it all pulling together and that is really neat.

I think that Skylar killed the Cheerleader's parents and that is why she is being protected by her dad. I think he knows Skylar and is supposed to hide her identity from her so she doesn't save the world.

It is so interesting!

1:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is the last 30 seconds or so of the show (that you may have missed due to Tivo cutting off).

DL hears static and hangs up the phone - noticing the Out Of Order sign. DL then asks Micah if he was talking to his mom. Micah says no (he wasn't lying), he was just goofing around. DL says "Come on, we got some driving to do." Scene cuts back to Jessica who hangs up the phone and loads her gun. She looks into the distance with determination and a slight smile.

The End.

I didn't see any previews for next week. Did anyone else?

Here are a few thoughts:

1) How did Lindeman get the painting in the first place? Nathan didn't bring it to him in Las Vegas, did he? I don't think so. And Simone's gallery is in New York, so how did Lindeman get it? Hmmmm.

2) Mr. Heat Miser is a mystery. Is he supposed to be Sylar (or Skylar)? But the bodies that they have shown (with the tops of their heads cut off - yuck) were frozen first. How does that work?

3) In the very first episode when they showed Niki, she was commenting to her sister that Micah is very smart and is a computer genius. We should have picked up that hint right there.

4) If Micah can fix a machine, can he also fix a person? I wonder if Micah will meet up with Nathan's wife in the future.

5) I was worried that Claire's younger brother would try the same stunt as Claire did, to see if he has superpowers, too. Still may happen.

6) What do the small stripes tattoo indicate? Are they marks left by the Mind-Eraser guy?

7) Landlord said that Isaac moved out, but last week we saw Horn-Rimmed Glasses tell Eden to bring in the "pre-cog" (Isaac). Should be interesting. Will Isaac meet Claire and put it altogether?

8) LOST-HEROES connection. In addition to Desmond's and Isaac's matching abilities, did anyone catch that female detective said that Sylar has killed 8 people?

12:28 PM  
Blogger Slacker said...

TVBlend has their weekly Heroes recap posted.

1:15 PM  

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