Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Heroes - Chapter 10 - Six Months Ago

Episode preview:

As the clock turns back six months for all of the "Heroes," Mohinder's father Chandra Suresh arrives in New York to begin his quest to find individuals with extraordinary abilities, and meets someone all to eager to be special. Peter celebrates his graduation from nursing school, and learns that Nathan plans to prosecute a case that could mean trouble for the entire Petrelli family. A surprise visit from her father brings out the worst in Niki. Hiro attempts to be a hero and change the future for someone important. Claire joins the cheerleading squad and makes a curious discovery. H.R.G. and the Haitian meet someone special.

Episode recap/review from TV Blend.

I enjoyed this episode. It was obviously a build-up to the holiday break finale, so it had a lot of back story. But, it was enjoyable seeing the beginnings of each of the character's powers - Matt's, Eden's, Claire's, Nathan's, Peter's.... Sylar's.


Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Heroes - Chapter 9 - Homecoming

Running a tad short on time this morning, so here's the TVBlend recap. And another one I just found via our good friend Google. It was a very good episode, definitely one of the darker ones this season. What did you think?


Monday, November 13, 2006

Heroes, Chapter 8 (1.08): “Seven Minutes To Midnight”

What a great episode. I really enjoyed this one, since it was fast-moving and had lots of plot lines moving at once.

* First and foremost, the episode brought Horn-Rimmed Glasses dude into a new, not-so-evil light (one I speculated and posted about weeks ago I might add!) Apparently his group has been monitoring people with powers for quite some time. We also learned of Claire's origin -- and that her homecoming is the next night. Side note: would there ever be a paper mill in Odessa? I can't think of a place with LESS trees... ;-)

* Mohinder seeing past events in dreams brought on by a child (Sanjog Iyer), whose file he finds in his father's desk. One of the dreams shows his dad being killed -- we see a watch. We also learn he had a sister who was "special".

* Matt and Audrey the FBI chick talking with the radiation dude and figuring out the connection with the tattoo marks and the Haitian.

* The waitress (Charlie) with incredible learning powers, who is brutally killed after a fun scene with Hiro. We see a shadowy guy in the corner use powers to pull a coffee cup to him. We see the same watch Mohinder saw on his father's killer. Hiro then uses his power to go back in time, as evidenced by the birthday photo on the bulletin board. But he doesn't return immediately as promised. Sidenote: why would the waitress, with her incredible memory, need to write down Hiro's lunch order? ;-)

I'm still wondering if this is all on the same timeline. What if Matt is actually in the past? What if the girl he found under the stairs was Claire as a child? After all, HRG tells Isaac that Claire was saved from some incident gone bad. Just something to throw out there...

Lots of stuff in this episode. Can't wait for next week!


Friday, November 10, 2006

High School Football Player Hurdles Defender for a TD

A friend emailed me this link, and I had to include it on my blog. WOW!

11/10/2006 - Cy Fair vs Cy Creek (2006) - Sam McGuffie HURDLES a Defender in a HIGH SCHOOL football game. He literally takes a leaping jump, over a defender to get past him. A must see for all football lovers.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Lost, episode 3x06: I Do

I like the episode, but it certainly wasn't "THE -- BEST -- EPISODE -- SO -- FAR -- THIS -- SEASON!" like they'd hyped it. In that regards I was a bit let down. As usual, no questions answered, and tons more questions raised.

That said, I did enjoy the episode and it did certainly have some suspense. Did anyone actually believe Danny would shoot Sawyer? I didn't think so. Now THAT would have made it a shocker, to lose Eko and Sawyer in consecutive weeks.

Here are a few random observations that caught my attention:

* Who is Jacob? As in, Danny Pickett says Ben put his life in the hands of Jack, "who wasn't even on Jacob's list". Is he a higher ranking other than Ben or something?

* Why does Danny hate Sawyer so much? Is he just focusing his pain for losing Colleen?

* Whose voice is it Jack hears on the intercom telling him to try the door? Alex's?

* Speaking of Alex, love her with the slingshot taking people out. So where's Karl? Is he really dead after helping Sawyer that first day in the cage?

* What is Ben's connection to Alex? Are they related? He asks if she asked about him right before surgery, and Juliette lies and says no, then tells him Alex was "sent home". Where's home?

* How does Kate know the marshall's first name (Edward), as evidenced during their phone call? Is there more to that story?

* Eko's prayer stick noting to "lift up your eyes and look north" (a quote from Genesis to Moses regarding the promised land), but it is right above a reference to John... making it look like a message directed to Locke.
Will they see the other island? The sub? Otherville?

What else?

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Heroes, episode 1.07 - Nothing To Hide

Fun episode --- except for the last minute or two that we missed due to our tivo only recording the hour time-slot! Grrr! What is up with all the extended shows on tv these days pushing extra minutes past the end of the hour???

Anyhow, I enjoyed this one. As expected, we got to see that Micah does indeed have powers. Should have seen that coming when Niki talked about him being an electronics wiz. This also answered our question of whether Niki was still alive. Same for her alter-ego Jessica.

We were introduced to another new "hero" alleged as the infamous Sylar, though I don't think that's the case. I do wonder, however, if that guy could be the source of the explosion Hiro saw in the future. Everyone notice the tattoos, how they go from two small lines when the person isn't using their power to the longer "S" pattern when they are using it?

I still don't know the FBI lady's role in all this. There's more to her we don't know yet. What is her obsession with Sylar? Why hasn't she told anyone about Matt's mind-reading power? It should be fun watching Matt take the FBI test as an interview, though.

What else?

Episode 1.08 - Seven Minutes To Midnight [Airing November 13]
Suresh questions his future when dreams of the past trouble him; Hiro and Ando meet someone interesting in a diner; Peter asks Nathan to help him find a key to the future.

Episode 1.09 - Homecoming [Airing November 20]

Episode 1.10 - Six Months Ago [Airing November 27]

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Heroes, chapter 6: Better Halves

I neglected to post my comments on this week's Heroes, due to Halloween, etc. Turns out to be a good move, because I have since stumbled across a great site for recaps, and it discusses much of what I'd bring up anyhow.
TV Blend recap.

I sure hadn't put 2-and-2 together that the poker guys were the same guys Niki's alter-ego slaughtered until I read the recap. Good stuff, and I can't wait until next week.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Lost, episode 3.05: The Cost of Living

Ok, I'm in mourning. Why, oh why, would they kill off my favorite character?!? Guess that'll teach the rest of the cast that they REALLY better not get wayside with the law, as evidenced by Ana Lucia, Libby and now Eko. Either that, or don't be an actor for the tail-section group from the plane! Does that mean Bernard is the last of them, other than the ones who were abducted? What a bummer, though, about Eko, because I really loved his character. The spoilers had said "a major character (as in a series regular) whose name is not Sawyer will join Boone, Shannon, Ana Lucia and Libby in the big island in the sky. And you're not going to believe who it is"... and boy were they right. I should have known when they conveniently started including Paulo and Nikki into the main group that one (or more) of the regulars really was doomed. Grrrr.

That aside, this was a really great episode for me. How many different story lines could they throw at us at once. You've got Eko wrestling with his past demons. You've got the return of the mist/island monster. You've got Juliette plotting with Jack to kill Ben in a surgical accident. You've got Ben telling Jack that they had indeed planning to break him and get him "invested" in their cause. You've got Locke & Co. tapping in to the signal for some new station we haven't seen, complete with a patch-eyed scary dude. And we end it with Eko's ominous "You are next".

Then next week (Episode 3.06 - "I Do" - Kate-centric) we see Alex making an appearance, we see Ben being prepped for surgery, some serious Sawyer butt-kicking, and Kate mugging down with someone. We know this'll be a good one, because it is the last episode before the winter break. They are hyping it as the best so far this season, and it better be a good cliff-hanger, because it has to tide us over until February 7th before we get Epsidoe 3.07 ("Not In Portland", Juliette-centric).